Features Of Our Advance Microfinance System

1. Branch Management:
Our Advance Microfinance branch management module contains all the information related to division, region and branch offices. It will manage the MFI’s organizational hierarchy. Features include: New Division Office, New Regional Office, New Branch Office and Portfolio-Backlog Transfer.
2. Samity Management:
Our Advance Microfinance samitymanagement module contains all the information related to division, region , branch , sub branches and Head offices. It will manage the MFI’s organizational hierarchy. Features include: New Division Office, New Regional Office, New Branch Office and Portfolio-Backlog Transfer.
3. Product Management:
Our Advance Microfinance Products are financial offerings to the customers from MFIs and are governed by rules specified by the microfinance organizations and these rules are different for various products. Features include: Create Loan Product, Assign Service Tax, Create Survey Field, Loan Gradation, Registration Fee and Written-Off Master.
4. Collection Officer Management
Our Advance Microfinance C.O. management module consists of group master and employee master. Through group master user can create new group. Groups are at the heart of the micro finance methodology. On the other hand employee master helps to store the employee details. The user can easily assign a group to a C.O. Features include: Create Group, Employee Registration and Assign Group To CO.
5. User Management
Our Advance Microfinance User Management module defines access restrictions and user management by using roles. There are five level hierarchies of users based on roles. Such as Administrator, Division Manager, Regional Manager, Branch Manager and Teller. Features include: Create User, Change Password and User Data Entry Status.
6. Insurance Management
Our Advance Microfinance Insurance Management module manages the customer death settlement with the Insurance Company. Features include: Death Document from Branches, Claim Observed, Claim Insurance, Claim Received, Death Outstanding Settlement and Reclaim Rejected Claim.
7. Member Registration
Our Advance Microfinance Member Registration module takes care of customer survey and group formation. User can manage the customer survey fields through “Create Survey Field” sub-module. It manages to create a member, modify member details and transferring members between two groups with backlog portfolio. Features include: Customer Survey, Survey Review By BM, Survey Review By RM, New Member Registration, Edit Member and Group To Group Transfer.
8. Loan Processing
Our Advance Microfinance Loans Processing help fulfilling the goal of MFIs by providing credit to the customers. With the help Loan Processing Module MFIs could identify the proper and suitable customer. It manages the loan documentation and loan processing status. Loan-Recycle system is maintained by Loan-Recycle sub-module. Features include:
9. Loan Disbursement
When a loan is disbursed to a customer, the system generates an installment amount and various charges on the basis of the loan product and automatically schedule the loan due date according to the holiday master and grace period. All the respective ledgers get updated automatically. At the time of Loan disbursement, Security amount has been deposited to Security account against Loan Number on the basis of loan product. When loan has been paid, the system shows the paid Loan No. If the customer withdrawals the security amount, the customer account shows in the “drop out” interface. The user may drop out the customer account. Death Settlement module manages the customer death. If a customer is dead, the user may return the security amount to the customer without paying the loan amount. The loan outstanding is exempted from Reserves and Surplus Account or any other sources. The dead customer does not calculate in the Ageing-PAR analysis. Features include: Disburse Loan, Return Security Amount, Drop out Member and Death Settlement.
10. Loan Recovery
It shows the date wise C.O. Collection sheet details. It manages the Group wise Loan Recovery and supports the batch update. Once the payment has been applied in the system, the system will automatically update the loan outstanding balances, next payment details and all the respective ledgers. Due to violations and/or non-repayment etc, the customer loan account can be marked as “Written-Off” on the basis of “Definition of lateness”(Written-off master) as defined by the HO. From this state, customer account can go to “Active- Bad standing” or “Bad Debt”. The Bad Debt customer does not calculate in the Ageing-PAR analysis. Features include: Loan Recovery, Sick Payment, Written-off and Bad Debt Analysis.
11. Financial Accounting
A complete financial accounting module, allowing to do not only the portfolio accountancy but also the administrative accountancy, that is integrated with all of the other modules covering features you find in most of the off-the-shelf accounting packages such as Cashbook, General Ledger, Trial Balance and Cash Flow. Features include: Account Register, Opening Balance Register, Account Contra Entry and Journal Entry.
12. Fund Management for HO
The fund management module supports fund receive, fund payment, fund allocation to branch and fund transfer from one branch to another. Features include: Fund Type Master, Fund Master, Fund Received, Fund Payment and Fund Allocation.
13. Fund Management for Branch
Our Advance Microfinance Fund Management for Branch module takes care of the fund for branch office. The Regional Manager manages the fund transfer between branches. Features Include: Fund Received By Branch, Fund Payment By Branch, Fund Transfer and Branch To Branch Payment.
Benefits Of Our Advance Microfinance System

Our Advance Microfinance recipients, the benefits are often direct and immediate—available capital resources can be used to create or support a business right away, for example. Other benefits, such as the possible impact on an economy, tend to be more indirect. The value of microfinance for individuals and communities might also vary depending on factors such as a provider's structure as a for-profit or nonprofit organization. To further explore the role of Advanced microfinance in business and economics, here are some of its benefits:
1. Accessibility:
Business owners and entrepreneurs in locations or circumstances that might not have access to traditional financial products may benefit from the increased accessibility of Advance Microfinance. These products are sometimes provided online or via Smartphone as well, which can be useful for people without access to a physical bank location.
2. Diversity:
Advance Microfinance may support diversity in a region or industry's entrepreneurial base. For example, in some locations women and rural individuals compose a notable proportion of Advance Microfinance users compared to the demographics of people using other kinds of financial services. This may be connected to increased stability if a particular individual might be otherwise more likely to experience poverty.
3. Economic growth:
Advance Microfinance options may be related to economic growth in certain situations. A business initially funded via microcredit, for example, might create local jobs, increase trade and help support a healthy economy. These benefits might, in turn, allow other community members to engage in entrepreneurial activity as well.
4. Education:
Some Advance Microfinance programs include a requirement for financial education programming in their lending terms. This can be beneficial for product users who may be able to enhance their ability to develop financially using the information provided.